Sunday, November 21, 2010

a little inspiration from netflix instant play

Last night I saw Food, Inc.  and I HIGHLY recommend it!
I proceeded to watch National Geographic:Inside North Korea (A), The Union: The business of Marijuana (C), and Michael Jackson's This is It (A+..even though it's technically a "rockumentary" I'll include it with the doc's. definitely noteworthy)- but none of them inspired me like Food Inc. did.

This film is so eye-opening and gives a call to action that every American should respond to. It's from 2008, so I'm just a couple years behind...but it is a must-see!

Food, Inc. "lifts the veil" on the food industry and touches on everything from the impact of corn -to illegal immigration- to corporate blacklisting. I was shocked that the wrongs within the food industry went beyond animal abuse and high-fructose corn syrup.

Stay up past your bedtime and watch Food Inc.  I am so inspired.

Take joy in knowing where your food comes from: for your own health, for the rights of animals, for the welfare of the farmers. Go to your local farmer's market, speak to farmers, and know the story of where it came from.

It does have a higher price tag, but take baby steps with meat and dairy. Encourage all of your friends and family to eat local foods- the more people who eat locally, the lower the prices will get.

Here is a wonderful site I found to add to your bookmarks-toolbar!:
-A Seasonal Ingredient Map which lets you select your state and month! It has great recipes and forums for chatting about healthy foods

New Yorkers, here is the Green Market schedule:
GreenMarket Farmers market