Sunday, November 21, 2010

a little inspiration from netflix instant play

Last night I saw Food, Inc.  and I HIGHLY recommend it!
I proceeded to watch National Geographic:Inside North Korea (A), The Union: The business of Marijuana (C), and Michael Jackson's This is It (A+..even though it's technically a "rockumentary" I'll include it with the doc's. definitely noteworthy)- but none of them inspired me like Food Inc. did.

This film is so eye-opening and gives a call to action that every American should respond to. It's from 2008, so I'm just a couple years behind...but it is a must-see!

Food, Inc. "lifts the veil" on the food industry and touches on everything from the impact of corn -to illegal immigration- to corporate blacklisting. I was shocked that the wrongs within the food industry went beyond animal abuse and high-fructose corn syrup.

Stay up past your bedtime and watch Food Inc.  I am so inspired.

Take joy in knowing where your food comes from: for your own health, for the rights of animals, for the welfare of the farmers. Go to your local farmer's market, speak to farmers, and know the story of where it came from.

It does have a higher price tag, but take baby steps with meat and dairy. Encourage all of your friends and family to eat local foods- the more people who eat locally, the lower the prices will get.

Here is a wonderful site I found to add to your bookmarks-toolbar!:
-A Seasonal Ingredient Map which lets you select your state and month! It has great recipes and forums for chatting about healthy foods

New Yorkers, here is the Green Market schedule:
GreenMarket Farmers market

Monday, October 11, 2010

crunch time

In the last 3 days I have been catching up on the Harry Potter Books, I've been behind the times for way too long and with the highly anticipated movie coming up I felt the need to be up to speed (the trailer looks pretty awesome). I realized today that it has been a subconscious procrastination tactic, since things are heating up at school, but I am lovin' it!!!

This week it's crunch time though on the college-front: a marketing mix, a movement journal that I've been neglecting, and a 12-page paper that I haven't started yet... This fall I've embraced the fact that the work snowballs and that no matter how organized you get or how much you prepare it will still test your caffene tolerance, your anxiety limit, and how long you can go without having to do laundry. Without fail. And with tech week coming up, working 2 jobs, and feeding my Harry Potter addiction- I am bracing myself.  Thank god for Free Starbucks Wifi, and the 24/7 Dunkin Donuts on the next block.

Breathing, refusing to sacrifice sleep and cardio, and focusing on the 2 weeks ahead. Here we go!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vigil in Washington Square Park

The other night I went to the glow-light vigil in Washington Sq. Park, to  raise awareness for the recent suicides of 6 teens who were physically and emotionally bullied because of their gender preference.

I have never been to an assembly like that before and it really opened my eyes to the kind of citizen that every American should strive to be. As Americans we are so lucky to have the right to gather and speak out for injustices- and it was obvious to me that everyone should be active participants in their communities in this way. Conversation was sparked, friendships were made, and lost lives were honored in a positive way.

Coming-of-age is hard enough as it is, and in my last 2  years of college I've had rough phases trying to figure out where I fit in the world. But I've never had anyone humiliate me or shun me because of who I am. And I can't even imagine the inner turmoil that these teens faced in their last hours.---So my heart goes out to adolescents who have faced and are facing this identity struggle, and have been socially tortured because of their gender preference.

I also hope that the social boundaries of  internet communication will be set- it is a shame that those teens felt so free as to bully and humiliate without foreseeing the threat of repercussions and without a sense of responsibility to others.

My heart goes out to the families of these teens who took their lives, and I hope that parents will learn from this and open up a new kind of communication with their kids out of love and support.

"Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true."

Silence Kills.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

hi i'm Cole, a coffee addict.

I tallied up my coffee intake today and it was...drum-roll please...SIX cups of coffee. how did this happen??

Here's what happens...

my alarm goes off- my first thought: "5 more minutes, God, please..."
second thought: "NEED. COFFEE."
Then I shuffle to the kitchen and end up with more than a single serving so I finish off the pot- there's 2 cups.

I get to school and think, "oh, i might as well grab a coffee since i'm early" - the 3rd cup.

Then,  I go to a diner to study and drink 3 cups.. maybe 4- i can't study mode..

I'm addicted!! When I'm stressed I think "I should go get a coffee to relax" then, like a maniac my heart is palapatating from my skyrocketing caffenne levels and reaching for another cup!!
What am I doing??? How backwards is that??? I just have to laugh at myself because it's so ridiculous!

this week- we'll try the everything-in-moderation approach and see what happens...
not only will my poor little heart thank me, but my wallet will also be a little more padded at the end of the week :)

wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

peace of mind

On mornings when I feel like I can hardly get out of bed, the thought of riding my bike to class seems impossible. But once I get cruising- watching New York wake up and feeling the adrenaline rush from the traffic, I feel so alive.

And there is nothing better than going for a ride when I'm stressed or upset. Looking straight ahead at the traffic puts me in a psychological state of moving forward.  Feeling the wind on my face, engaging my whole body, and forcing myself to breathe is so liberating.  

It's funny how letting go of my fear of riding in the city has helped me relax and focus in a lot of other ways. Pacing myself and feeling an energized readiness is the perfect state before going into physical work or rehearsal at school.

photo from LINUS