Saturday, September 25, 2010

hi i'm Cole, a coffee addict.

I tallied up my coffee intake today and it was...drum-roll please...SIX cups of coffee. how did this happen??

Here's what happens...

my alarm goes off- my first thought: "5 more minutes, God, please..."
second thought: "NEED. COFFEE."
Then I shuffle to the kitchen and end up with more than a single serving so I finish off the pot- there's 2 cups.

I get to school and think, "oh, i might as well grab a coffee since i'm early" - the 3rd cup.

Then,  I go to a diner to study and drink 3 cups.. maybe 4- i can't study mode..

I'm addicted!! When I'm stressed I think "I should go get a coffee to relax" then, like a maniac my heart is palapatating from my skyrocketing caffenne levels and reaching for another cup!!
What am I doing??? How backwards is that??? I just have to laugh at myself because it's so ridiculous!

this week- we'll try the everything-in-moderation approach and see what happens...
not only will my poor little heart thank me, but my wallet will also be a little more padded at the end of the week :)

wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

peace of mind

On mornings when I feel like I can hardly get out of bed, the thought of riding my bike to class seems impossible. But once I get cruising- watching New York wake up and feeling the adrenaline rush from the traffic, I feel so alive.

And there is nothing better than going for a ride when I'm stressed or upset. Looking straight ahead at the traffic puts me in a psychological state of moving forward.  Feeling the wind on my face, engaging my whole body, and forcing myself to breathe is so liberating.  

It's funny how letting go of my fear of riding in the city has helped me relax and focus in a lot of other ways. Pacing myself and feeling an energized readiness is the perfect state before going into physical work or rehearsal at school.

photo from LINUS